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Google BARD AI

BARD AI is an experimental conversational artificial intelligence service developed by Google that enables collaboration with generative AI. BARD AI uses LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications) technology, which is capable of generating natural language text on any topic and maintaining a dialog with the user.

Brief Description:

  • BARD AI is a service that can be used to increase productivity, accelerate ideas, and satisfy curiosity.
  • BARD AI is a service that you can use to create a variety of content such as poems, stories, code, essays, songs, celebrity parodies and more using your words and knowledge.
  • BARD AI is a service that can be used for learning and development as it provides explanations and links to sources of information on topics of interest.

Description of the architecture:

  • BARD AI uses LaMDA as the main language model for natural language text generation. LaMDA is a family of large language models (LLMs) that are trained on a large volume of texts from different domains and are able to adapt to the context and purpose of the dialog.
  • BARD AI uses PaLM as an additional language model to generate natural language text. PaLM is an LLM that is capable of generating text given the user's and assistant's previous messages and a given topic or parameters.
  • BARD AI uses Elasticsearch as its primary search engine to index and store information from various sources on the Internet. Elasticsearch allows BARD AI to find relevant information on a given question or topic and reference it in its answers.

Key technical features:

Model Architecture

  • Bard AI is a transformer-based language model, using neural network architecture called a transformer to process text
  • It’s complexity is given by the fact that it uses 137B parameters, meaning the higher the parameters, the more accurate the results
  • Trained for about 1.5 million hours and uses datasets consisting of 1.56 trillion words (books, articles, code, conversations etc.)
  • Bard AI uses Google Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) v4 pod. TPU are specialized hardware accelerators for machine learning. TPUv4 consists of a large number of chips, designed to maximise the efficiency and performance of matrix multiplication, mathematical operations, predictions and other machine learning algorithms:
    • Each TPUv4 pod contains 4,096 TPUv4 chips
    • Each TPUv4 chip has 275 peak TFLOPS of performance
    • The TPUv4 pod is interconnected with a high-speed fabric that provides 10x the bandwidth per chip at scale compared to typical GPU-based large scale training systems

Model Techniques

  • Bard AI is trained using the masked language modeling technique (MLM), where the model gets a text sequence with few words masked out, being able to predict the masked words. This is the way learns the dynamic between the words in a sentence
  • Trained also using the supervised learning technique, where the model gets a set of input-ouput pairs. Bard AI is trained to predict output for a given input, helping the model learn specific tasks like translating or writing creative natural text
  • Distributed training architecture is a technique that allows MLMs to be trained on multiple machines at the same time. This allows massive datasets to be used and offers a higher performance

Tehnical Details

  • Bard AI implements TensorFlow machine learning framework. TensorFlow is used to train and deploy MLMs
  • Google Cloud Platform, which helps Bard AI with cloud computing services like computing, data storage, data analytics and machine learning services, making it more scalable and reliable
  • Bard AI API uses REST API to send requests and receive responses. The return responses format is a JSON or XML. Please check the snippet:


Key advantages:

  • BARD AI has high flexibility in generating natural language text because it uses LaMDA, a language model that is able to adapt to any dialog topic and purpose.
  • BARD AI has greater accuracy in its answers because it uses Elasticsearch, a search engine that allows you to find relevant information on a given question or topic and link to it in your answers.
  • BARD AI has a wide reach in answering as it can answer questions on any topic and area of expertise and generate real-time data on user request.
  • Integration with Google Services. Latest Google Bard update, introduces extension support and now interracts with Google Suite like Gmail, Docs, Drive etc.
  • Double-check options, through clicking the G icon below the content. It will verify the content on the web and highlight the unstable responses. By clicking on them you can get additional available resources to support the accuracy of your response
  • Language support. Bard AI now talks in over 40 languages and it expanded to 27 european countries and Brazil
  • Google Lens added to search and prompts
  • Code can be exported
  • Customized responses based on your needs. You can customize now the responses you get from Bard by adding detailed preferences like “concise”, “detailed”, “friendly”, “formal” etc. or audio/text response

Limitations and disadvantages:

  • BARD AI may have some errors or inconsistencies in its responses or content generation, and does not mention the information sources, as it cannot always ensure that the information it finds on the Internet or is provided to it by users is completely accurate and up-to-date.
  • BARD AI may have some problems understanding or fulfilling some user requests, especially if they are too complex, unclear, or contain non-standard terms or expressions.
  • BARD AI may have some limitations in the availability or performance of its service, as it depends on the resources and operating conditions of LaMDA and Elasticsearch.

Examples of applications:

Used to collect and structure information on a topic of interest, use BARD AI as a data source and expert. BARD AI answers questions on the topic and provides answers with links to relevant sources

Application for creating and improving music, as a helper and critic. BARD AI can generate a song based on a given theme, style or genre and get comments and advice on how to improve your creation.

Tools and Libraries:

  • LaMDA is a language model for dialog applications that is capable of generating natural language text on any dialog topic and purpose.
  • PaLM is a language model that is capable of generating text given the user's and assistant's previous messages and a given topic or parameters.
  • Elasticsearch is a search engine for indexing and storing information from various sources on the Internet.
  • TensorFlow is a framework for working with neural networks and machine learning.
  • Dialogflow is a platform for creating conversational interfaces and agents.

Recommendations for selection:

  • BARD AI is recommended for those who want to familiarize themselves with the features and functionality of Perplexity AI, as well as well as those who want to support the developers and improve the quality of the service.
  • BARD AI is recommended to be chosen by those who want to get useful and up-to-date information on various topics, as well as those who want to share their questions and answers with other users.
  • BARD AI is recommended for those who want to enjoy the process of learning and creating, as well as those who want to please themselves and others with their results.

Known Notes:

  • BARD AI was introduced in 2021 at the Google I/O conference as a demonstration of the capabilities of LaMDA, a language model for dialog applications.
  • BARD AI is an experimental and limited service that is only available to invited users who can access it through a dedicated smartphone app or website.
  • BARD AI has several characters you can interact with, such as the planet Pluto, a paper airplane or a chess piece, each with their own voice, style and personality.

Known Applications:

  • BARD AI was used to create a podcast in which the host interacted with different BARD AI characters on various topics such as space, history, sports, and music.
  • BARD AI was used to create a book in which the author collaborated with BARD AI to generate stories, poems and dialogues on given topics and genres.
  • BARD AI was used to create a game in which the player could select their BARD AI character and interact with them in different situations and locations.

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